How to: Organize and Declutter Your Wardrobe

How to: Organize and Declutter Your Wardrobe

How to: Organize and Declutter Your Wardrobe

A tidy closet can bring a real sense of calm, yet many of us cling to our old clothes that never get worn. When was the last time you decluttered your closet? Maybe it's time again. Here are some simple tips to assist you in cleaning and organizing your closet space.

Step 1: Letting Go and Starting Anew

Start by discovering what's hidden in the back of your closet. Take out all your clothes and sort them into different categories. For instance, pile your sweaters in one stack, pants in another, and so forth. Go through each category, questioning why you've kept these specific items. Consider how often you use them and how well they suit you. Then, make some tough decisions by removing a few items from each category.

Step 2: Giving Away or Exchanging

Discarding old clothes without purpose isn't effective, so ask your friends and family if they're interested in your clothes. Or if you're not quite ready to part with them entirely, someone might be interested in swapping clothes with you. Setting up a clothing swap with friends is a clever way to experiment with new styles without purchasing new clothes. If nobody you know wants your old clothes, you can still put them to good use by selling or donating them.
If your clothes are too damaged or worn, we recommend finding a local recycling center where you can properly dispose of textiles. Or challenge yourself to find new creative ways to repurpose worn-out fabrics. Perhaps you can create a patchwork blanket or a bag from old T-shirts? Let your imagination run wild.

Step 3: Removing Lint and Hair

Once you've decided which items to keep in your closet, it's time to give your clothes a refresh. Minor wear and tear like lint are easy to remove. A common misconception is that lint indicates poor fabric quality, but this isn't always true. Lint is just excess fibers rising to the surface of certain fabrics, even in more exclusive materials like cashmere. Shave off the lint using a lint remover to make your clothes look and feel new again.
Other minor imperfections can also be repaired with the right tools and some patience. Reattach fallen-off buttons, mend small holes, and trim loose threads. Dirt, lint, and surface dust can easily be removed using a clothes brush. We recommend avoiding disposable products and instead opting for long-lasting clothing care items. Our reusable brush is a modern alternative to disposable rollers, swiftly and gently removing hair and dust from all types of textiles.

Step 4: Let Your Clothes Breathe

Clothes and household textiles stored in a tight space might have become wrinkled and musty. Your initial instinct might be to wash your clothes to eliminate any odors and iron them to get rid of wrinkles. However, washing and ironing can damage the fabric and should be done as little as possible. Instead, we recommend steaming your clothes.
Steaming is a gentle and energy-efficient alternative to both washing and ironing, especially useful when you want to quickly refresh your clothes. The hot steam fights bacteria and odors while keeping the clothes wrinkle-free. Steaming also causes fibers in the fabrics to expand, regaining their natural shape and texture.

Step 5: Optimize Your Closet Space

Once your clothes are fresh and wrinkle-free, it's time to organize your closet. If you're still lacking storage space even after decluttering, a space-saving hanger is a smart way to fit more hangers on the same clothing rack. This step is also an excellent opportunity to rotate clothes and make space for the ones previously hidden in the back of the closet. Rekindle your love for your old clothes and explore new ways to combine, match, and layer different garments.

Step 6: Create a Timeless Wardrobe

Today, the fashion industry is largely characterized by impulsive purchases and fast fashion. Statistics vary, but it's said that we wear an average of 20% of the clothes hanging in our closet. This figure, coupled with the consumption patterns we see today, gives food for thought. With a freshly cleaned and reorganized closet, this is the moment to consider how you want to shape your ideal wardrobe.
Think about how to build a timeless wardrobe with carefully curated colors, materials, and styles that match your personal taste. If possible, try investing in high-quality clothing and household textiles that you can see yourself using for many years to come. Trends will come and go, but in the long run, it's important to invest in clothes that make you feel good.

Step 7: Ensure Your Clothes Last Long

Finally, don't forget to pamper your favorite clothes to extract the most value from the clothes you already have. Using gentle clothing care products extends the lifespan of textiles while enhancing their appearance. With proper care, clothes can last for decades and even generations.